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Own your cap tables.

Create, modify, and manage cap tables on your own turf.

Know your real-time ownership, power scenario analysis, and consolidate all your cap tables into a single platform with Foresight’s new cap table modeling capability.

One UI for all your ownership

Integrate cap tables from vendors like Aumni, Carta, and Diligent Equity and liberate Excel-based cap tables from shared drives.

Answer every equity question

Know amount invested, liquidation preferences, and ownership at the share class and total investment level.

Understand your co-investors

Search for individuals and firms to understand the landscape and various incentives.

No more cap table lag

Create your own or copy and modify cap tables from vendors to see real-time ownership data.

  • Build and share a cap table with Foresight’s intuitive interface

  • Visualize the investment summary and preferences for each investment

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